January 11, 2011


To be quite honest, I don't yet know what this blog will be about. While the issues laid out by my collaborator will certainly be front and center, I fully expect this blog to change, evolve, and improve over time. I also expect things improving over time to confuse any readers who are unfortunate enough to be fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

I expect the majority of my writing willing focus on the game of hockey. As most Canadians, it is the game I've grown up with. It is a game I've come to love, and sometimes hate. It is a game that millions of people around the world are absolutely fanatical about. Yet it is a game that seems to be not all that well understood.

There is certainly not a lack of people who think they understand the game of hockey. Be it on the various expert panels on television, on local and national sports talk radio, or on the pages of the fine – and not so fine – newspapers across this county, you will find literally hundreds of people being paid to explain the game to the world. However, after reading, watching, and listening for thousands of hours I'm left reaching one obvious conclusion: Almost none of these guys know what they are talking about.

I certainly don't claim to have all the answers. I do believe that there are much better explanations than the ones so often provided on a daily basis. I hope through this blog to search for these explanations, to better my understanding of the game, and to have some fun at the expense of the so called experts along the way.

Finally, I have to disagree with the original post on one item. I have not heard enough Don Cherry rants. He's past the point of being relevant in any way, but purely as comedy, I must admit that I enjoy every segment he is on.

Much more to come...

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